

Correction/clarification: a Catholic priest

recently on twitter - Sat, 2020-04-25 12:00
Correction/clarification: a Catholic priest

Buddhist priests from different sects, a Shinto priest and a Christian pastor gather together at Todai-ji in Nara to pray for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic…

recently on twitter - Sat, 2020-04-25 12:00
Buddhist priests from different sects, a Shinto priest and a Christian pastor gather together at Todai-ji in Nara to pray for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic…

New COVID-19 positives in Tokyo for the last 7 days: 107 102 123 132 134 161 102<-- today…

recently on twitter - Sat, 2020-04-25 11:00
New COVID-19 positives in Tokyo for the last 7 days: 107 102 123 132 134 161 102<-- today…

Lazy journalism: chatting up something on Twitter like you actually investigated something

recently on twitter - Sat, 2020-04-25 04:00
Lazy journalism: chatting up something on Twitter like you actually investigated something

This person’s wife gave him an apron with an equation on it. Intrigued, he wrote out a first derivative test chart and graphed it out, and discovered it formed a ❤️…

recently on twitter - Sat, 2020-04-25 01:00
This person’s wife gave him an apron with an equation on it. Intrigued, he wrote out a first derivative test chart and graphed it out, and discovered it formed a ❤️…

Ugh, do not DM me, especially now, trying to get me to promo your site/project. I won’t unless I know you mkay. Besides, I don’t have that many followers. Go bother someone with way more. (Actually, don’t.)

recently on twitter - Sat, 2020-04-25 01:00
Ugh, do not DM me, especially now, trying to get me to promo your site/project. I won’t unless I know you mkay. Besides, I don’t have that many followers. Go bother someone with way more. (Actually, don’t.)

turned away by 2 hospitals. Women who have to go back to their hometowns to give birth are urged to self quarantine for 2 weeks beforehand, register in advance at a local hospital, etc…

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 11:00
turned away by 2 hospitals. Women who have to go back to their hometowns to give birth are urged to self quarantine for 2 weeks beforehand, register in advance at a local hospital, etc…

Prof. Hayano's growth graph… Days taken for cases to double as of April 24 18:00 National: 23.0 days Prefectures with > 100 positives: *Tokyo: 18.0 *Osaka: 16.0 *Kanagawa: 29.0 *Chiba: 25.0 *Fukuoka: 24.0 *Saitama: 26.0 1/

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 10:00
Prof. Hayano's growth graph… Days taken for cases to double as of April 24 18:00 National: 23.0 days Prefectures with > 100 positives: *Tokyo: 18.0 *Osaka: 16.0 *Kanagawa: 29.0 *Chiba: 25.0 *Fukuoka: 24.0 *Saitama: 26.0 1/

New COVID-19 positive cases in Tokyo, last 7 days 181 107 102 123 132 134 161 <-- today…

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 10:00
New COVID-19 positive cases in Tokyo, last 7 days 181 107 102 123 132 134 161 <-- today…

余計なお世話かも知れませんが...多分 uho2 . com が未だ http だからではないかと... 私もサイトを数件運営してますが、去年全部https化せざるを得なくなりました。そうしないとグーグル検索にもあがらなくなっちゃったので ご参考な迄に

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 10:00
余計なお世話かも知れませんが...多分 uho2 . com が未だ http だからではないかと... 私もサイトを数件運営してますが、去年全部https化せざるを得なくなりました。そうしないとグーグル検索にもあがらなくなっちゃったので ご参考な迄に

Tokyo will start to name pachinko parlors who have not complied with shut down requests starting on the 28th. (Several other prefectures have announced similar measures)…

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 10:00
Tokyo will start to name pachinko parlors who have not complied with shut down requests starting on the 28th. (Several other prefectures have announced similar measures)…

*Hyogo: 25.0 *Hokkaido: 12.0 *Aichi: 22.0 *Kyoto: 23.0 *Ishikawa:16.0 *Ibaraki:32.0 *Gifu:53.0 Toyama:6.4 Hiroshima:27.0 Gunma: 23.0 Okinawa:14.0 Fukui: 27.0 *= "special alert" prefectures 2/2

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 10:00
*Hyogo: 25.0 *Hokkaido: 12.0 *Aichi: 22.0 *Kyoto: 23.0 *Ishikawa:16.0 *Ibaraki:32.0 *Gifu:53.0 Toyama:6.4 Hiroshima:27.0 Gunma: 23.0 Okinawa:14.0 Fukui: 27.0 *= "special alert" prefectures 2/2

While Toilet Duck and Dettol are trending, here's a reminder of the word 'ultracrepidarian': one who consistently offers opinions and advice on subjects way beyond their understanding.

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 01:00
While Toilet Duck and Dettol are trending, here's a reminder of the word 'ultracrepidarian': one who consistently offers opinions and advice on subjects way beyond their understanding.

Komainu ward off evil spirits I mean

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 01:00
Komainu ward off evil spirits I mean

Phone call with German Federal Minister of Defence Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Not totally sure what that cute kaijuu is The komaiunu pair are traditional warmers against evl spirits etc……

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 01:00
Phone call with German Federal Minister of Defence Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Not totally sure what that cute kaijuu is The komaiunu pair are traditional warmers against evl spirits etc……

Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono on a phone conference with US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper (click on Mr. Kono’s pic)…

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 01:00
Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono on a phone conference with US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper (click on Mr. Kono’s pic)…


recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 01:00

From my Japan Times archive - a bit about shincha (new tea) season, which is coming up, and how to make a very homey snack that my grandma used to make, karintō.…

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 01:00
From my Japan Times archive - a bit about shincha (new tea) season, which is coming up, and how to make a very homey snack that my grandma used to make, karint&#x14D;.…

感染者の多いジュネーブ州で、どのくらいの人が抗体を持っているのかを調べる研究が始まり、速報値が出ました。人口の5%が、新型コロナウイルスに感染していた可能性が高いということです。 #スイスのニュース #新型コロナウイルス

recently on twitter - Fri, 2020-04-24 01:00

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