(If you’re wondering why May 6, the first week of May is called Golden Week, where 3 national holidays are bunched together and many ppl take the whole week off. )
(If you’re wondering why May 6, the first week of May is called Golden Week, where 3 national holidays are bunched together and many ppl take the whole week off. )
Apparently so.
Apparently so.
やっとCOVIDVENTILATOR が新聞に取り上げられ始めた‼️ twitter.com/mainichi/statu…
やっとCOVIDVENTILATOR が新聞に取り上げられ始めた‼️ twitter.com/mainichi/statu…
フォロー → ミュート → ブロック
フォロー → ミュート → ブロック
Japan clothing brand to sell washable, antibacterial kids masks to tackle virus mainichi.jp/english/articl…
Japan clothing brand to sell washable, antibacterial kids masks to tackle virus
Manzai comedy, social distancing version. twitter.com/gakuishida/sta…
Manzai comedy, social distancing version. twitter.com/gakuishida/sta…
Oh dear. Spouse: “Did you hear about the US leadership...” Me: “Yep. Jared Kushner.” Let this end soon, please.
Oh dear.
Spouse: “Did you hear about the US leadership...”
Me: “Yep. Jared Kushner.”
Let this end soon, please.
お相撲ファンのみなさん。モンゴル語もあります! twitter.com/oshietedoctor/…
お相撲ファンのみなさん。モンゴル語もあります! twitter.com/oshietedoctor/…
Funassyi has racked up 2,325 hours playing Fortnite while staying home twitter.com/funassyi/statu…
Funassyi has racked up 2,325 hours playing Fortnite while staying home twitter.com/funassyi/statu…
COVID-19 PDFs in English, Chinese, Mongolian for kids. twitter.com/oshietedoctor/… pic.twitter.com/Japr5xcoKX
COVID-19 PDFs in English, Chinese, Mongolian for kids. twitter.com/oshietedoctor/… pic.twitter.com/Japr5xcoKX
Setagaya Ward schools are closed until May 6 after all city.setagaya.lg.jp/mokuji/kodomo/… twitter.com/makiwi/status/…
Setagaya Ward schools are closed until May 6 after all
city.setagaya.lg.jp/mokuji/kodomo/… twitter.com/makiwi/status/…
アメリカでは輸入した医療器具等を直接州や病院に配るのではなく、民間の企業に卸して、その企業が一番お金が払える州に売るんだそうです。 twitter.com/DavidBegnaud/s…
アメリカでは輸入した医療器具等を直接州や病院に配るのではなく、民間の企業に卸して、その企業が一番お金が払える州に売るんだそうです。 twitter.com/DavidBegnaud/s…
TVアニメ「#フルーツバスケット」2nd season 放送開始まであと2️⃣日!! 4/6(月)よりついに放送START!! テレビ東京 深夜1時30分~ テレビ愛知 深夜1時30分~ テレビ大阪 深夜2時05分~ ほか ついに生徒会メンバーが...✨ #フルバ特別授業 好評配信中♪ 第1弾視聴URL▶youtu.be/dh__POVEL3A pic.twitter.com/ttjZym0uxc
TVアニメ「 #フルーツバスケット」2nd season 放送開始まであと2️⃣日!!
テレビ東京 深夜1時30分~
テレビ愛知 深夜1時30分~
テレビ大阪 深夜2時05分~ ほか
#フルバ特別授業 好評配信中♪
第1弾視聴URL▶ youtu.be/dh__POVEL3A pic.twitter.com/ttjZym0uxc
The annual Hakuho Cup for kids is a way to motivate more youngsters to take up sumo instead of another sport.
The annual Hakuho Cup for kids is a way to motivate more youngsters to take up sumo instead of another sport.
Apa Hotel is offering 50% off all rooms to healthcare workers. They also have a “telework” package (4 nights) for 15,000 yen per stay (this one is open to anyone). kankokeizai.com/%e3%82%a2%e3%8…
Apa Hotel is offering 50% off all rooms to healthcare workers. They also have a “telework” package (4 nights) for 15,000 yen per stay (this one is open to anyone).