ニュージャージー州ニュワークで踊りながらデモする群衆 twitter.com/frostytheskid/… twitter.com/frostytheskid/…
twitter.com/frostytheskid/… twitter.com/frostytheskid/…
これはシカゴ市内の刑務所です。中の人が一斉に壁を叩きながら”No justice, no peace” 「正義なくして平和はない」と叫んでいます。 twitter.com/JCB_Journo/sta…
これはシカゴ市内の刑務所です。中の人が一斉に壁を叩きながら”No justice, no peace” 「正義なくして平和はない」と叫んでいます。 twitter.com/JCB_Journo/sta…
I couldn’t remember why I was following him, then I remembered he used to be Naomi Osaka’s coach. About the statement: *snort* twitter.com/bigsascha/stat…
I couldn’t remember why I was following him, then I remembered he used to be Naomi Osaka’s coach.
About the statement: *snort* twitter.com/bigsascha/stat…
Bunny shaped financiers to soothe your soul. twitter.com/sweetroad5/sta…
Bunny shaped financiers to soothe your soul. twitter.com/sweetroad5/sta…
その一人(髭の男性)が「店を襲おうとした奴らは(デモの)仲間ではない。私服の警察だ」と主張してます twitter.com/andrewsolender… twitter.com/andrewsolender…
twitter.com/andrewsolender… twitter.com/andrewsolender…
ニューヨーク ブルックリン。Target(店名)を襲おうとする人を身を張って守るデモ参加人たち。 twitter.com/andrewsolender…
ニューヨーク ブルックリン。Target(店名)を襲おうとする人を身を張って守るデモ参加人たち。
12 new COVID-19 positives in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka. 1 death. 5 cases at an elementary school. www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020…
12 new COVID-19 positives in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka. 1 death. 5 cases at an elementary school.
カリフォルニア州サンタクルーズ市では市長と警察長がデモに同意を示す為に片膝を付きました。 twitter.com/hknightsf/stat…
Kanagawa 6 new positives www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020… Hokkaido 6 new positives www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020…
Kanagawa 6 new positives
Hokkaido 6 new positives
New COVID-19 positives in Tokyo, last 14 days (5/31) 10 5 5 11 3 2 14 8 10 11 15 22 14 5<-- today www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020…
New COVID-19 positives in Tokyo, last 14 days (5/31)
5<-- today
Of the “source undetermined” cases, Kitakyushu says that family gatherings after the easing of restrictions may have caused some transmissions from asymptomatic younger ppl to their elderly relatives.
Of the “source undetermined” cases, Kitakyushu says that family gatherings after the easing of restrictions may have caused some transmissions from asymptomatic younger ppl to their elderly relatives.
Hospital clusters account for a lot of cases, eg the Musashino Central Hospital in Koganei, Tokyo. There was/is a cluster at a beauty salon in Hokkaido.
Hospital clusters account for a lot of cases, eg the Musashino Central Hospital in Koganei, Tokyo. There was/is a cluster at a beauty salon in Hokkaido.
I’ve been sifting through the reports about the breakdown of positive COVID-19 cases in Tokyo; Kitakyushu, Fukuoka; abd Hokkaido. Tokyo has been reporting a pretty fine grained breakdown for the last few days. 1/ twitter.com/ecoyuri/status…
I’ve been sifting through the reports about the breakdown of positive COVID-19 cases in Tokyo; Kitakyushu, Fukuoka; abd Hokkaido. Tokyo has been reporting a pretty fine grained breakdown for the last few days. 1/ twitter.com/ecoyuri/status…
The cotton swab “planes” twitter.com/261tannama/sta… twitter.com/261tannama/sta…
The cotton swab “planes”
twitter.com/261tannama/sta… twitter.com/261tannama/sta…
This guy created some “Blue Impulse aerobatics” photos using... cotton swabs. twitter.com/261tannama/sta…
This guy created some “Blue Impulse aerobatics” photos using... cotton swabs. twitter.com/261tannama/sta…
For real, made out of paper!!! twitter.com/coca1127/statu…
For real, made out of paper!!!
Really made out of paper!!! twitter.com/coca1127/statu… twitter.com/coca1127/statu…
Really made out of paper!!!
twitter.com/coca1127/statu… twitter.com/coca1127/statu…
This is a video of the arrest, which was uploaded on the 23rd. The man is saying repeatedly “I didn’t do anything!” He was released some hours later. He is suing the police department apparently. twitter.com/kashidahideki/… twitter.com/kashidahideki/…
This is a video of the arrest, which was uploaded on the 23rd. The man is saying repeatedly “I didn’t do anything!” He was released some hours later. He is suing the police department apparently.
twitter.com/kashidahideki/… twitter.com/kashidahideki/…
Scenes from an anti-police violence demonstration in front of Shibuya police station, protesting the aggressive arrest of a Kurdish man. A Japanese demonstrator was allegedly arrested. twitter.com/ark_yz/status/…
Scenes from an anti-police violence demonstration in front of Shibuya police station, protesting the aggressive arrest of a Kurdish man. A Japanese demonstrator was allegedly arrested. twitter.com/ark_yz/status/…