(I am tired of people yelling about the numbers.)
(I am tired of people yelling about the numbers.)
One reason why the emergency restrictions may be lifted tomorrow: hospital bed availability for COVID-19 patients has eased up considerably. stopcovid19.jp Another is the severe damage to the economy.
One reason why the emergency restrictions may be lifted tomorrow: hospital bed availability for COVID-19 patients has eased up considerably.
Another is the severe damage to the economy.
5 reported for Kanagawa today, not 3. www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020…
5 reported for Kanagawa today, not 3.
The gov’t plans to cancel the emergency declaration for all remaining prefectures tomorrow (can they do this for Hokkaido?) www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020…
The gov’t plans to cancel the emergency declaration for all remaining prefectures tomorrow (can they do this for Hokkaido?)
(Kanagawa usually announcesprefectural then Yokohama numbers so you need to wait until a bit later for the total.)
(Kanagawa usually announcesprefectural then Yokohama numbers so you need to wait until a bit later for the total.)
New COVID-19 positives in Tokyo, last 14 days 15 28 10 30 9 14 5 10 5 5 11 3 2 14<-- today www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020… 3 reported in Kanagawa (will verify) 15 in Hokkaido (ouch) www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020…
New COVID-19 positives in Tokyo, last 14 days
14<-- today
3 reported in Kanagawa (will verify)
15 in Hokkaido (ouch)
Mochi caused his untimely death.
Mochi caused his untimely death.
R to L: Key, spotted seal, slice of castella cake, all carved wood. twitter.com/shidokou/statu…
R to L: Key, spotted seal, slice of castella cake, all carved wood. twitter.com/shidokou/statu…
Plus suspended monorails are not at all cutting edge.
Plus suspended monorails are not at all cutting edge.
New COVID-19 positives in Tokyo, last 7 days 5 10 5 5 11 3 2<-- today www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020… 5 in Kanagawa www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020… 9 in Hokkaido www3.nhk.or.jp/sapporo-news/2…
New COVID-19 positives in Tokyo, last 7 days
2<-- today
5 in Kanagawa
9 in Hokkaido
In other news, Nikkei Shimbun apologized for mistakenly publishing an obv. prewritten story about the Fuji Rock Festival being cancelled. For now, the official site still has it on for Aug.21-23. twitter.com/fashionsnap/st…
In other news, Nikkei Shimbun apologized for mistakenly publishing an obv. prewritten story about the Fuji Rock Festival being cancelled. For now, the official site still has it on for Aug.21-23. twitter.com/fashionsnap/st…
I don’t think it is at all coordinated. The “wide shows” have been fear mongering for weeks. Apparently they’ve been seeing much improved ratings. There was a news item early on (can’t find it atm) about that. twitter.com/niikusuke/stat…
I don’t think it is at all coordinated. The “wide shows” have been fear mongering for weeks. Apparently they’ve been seeing much improved ratings. There was a news item early on (can’t find it atm) about that. twitter.com/niikusuke/stat…
Not a piggy bank, but a p...pork bun bank twitter.com/creema_jp/stat…
Not a piggy bank, but a p...pork bun bank twitter.com/creema_jp/stat…
Tokyo toritsu (run and operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan gov’t) high schools announced their plans for re-opening. They include splitting up classes into smaller ones, morning or afternoon classes, shorter hours, etc. twitter.com/nhk_seikatsu/s…
Tokyo toritsu (run and operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan gov’t) high schools announced their plans for re-opening. They include splitting up classes into smaller ones, morning or afternoon classes, shorter hours, etc.
Step 3 adds manga/internet cafes, pachinko parlors, game centers, amusement parks to Step 2; restaurants/izakaya can operate fr. 5:00-0:00; gatherings for < 1000 ppl. If it gets there there will be another roadmap for further steps. 4/4
Step 3 adds manga/internet cafes, pachinko parlors, game centers, amusement parks to Step 2; restaurants/izakaya can operate fr. 5:00-0:00; gatherings for < 1000 ppl. If it gets there there will be another roadmap for further steps. 4/4
Each subsequent step will be assessed every 2 weeks. Step 2 would (in addition to Step 1) allow the reopening of test prep schools (juku), theaters, event places, non-essential stores; gatherings for < 100 ppl. 3/
Each subsequent step will be assessed every 2 weeks.
Step 2 would (in addition to Step 1) allow the reopening of test prep schools (juku), theaters, event places, non-essential stores; gatherings for < 100 ppl. 3/
Step 1 (which could start on Tuesday May 26) will allow museums, schools, and sports facilities to reopen with some exceptions; restaurants/izakaya to operate fr. 5:00-22:00; gatherings of < 50 ppl. 2/
Step 1 (which could start on Tuesday May 26) will allow museums, schools, and sports facilities to reopen with some exceptions; restaurants/izakaya to operate fr. 5:00-22:00; gatherings of < 50 ppl.
【拡散希望】廃棄されてしまう20万匹のかんぱちを助けてください! コロナの影響で行き場を失った「日本一美味しいカンパチ」を助けるために立ち上がりました。入選すると「日本一美味しいカンパチ」をプレゼントいたします 詳しくはこちらkochi-kawauso.com #20万匹の名無しのかんぱちに名前を pic.twitter.com/DoDRbH8Fcg
詳しくはこちら kochi-kawauso.com
#20万匹の名無しのかんぱちに名前を pic.twitter.com/DoDRbH8Fcg
New COVID-19 positives in Tokyo, last 7 days 14 5 10 5 5 11 3 <-- today www3.nhk.or.jp/shutoken-news/… 7 in Kanagawa www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020… 6 in Hokkaido www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020…
New COVID-19 positives in Tokyo, last 7 days
3 <-- today
7 in Kanagawa
6 in Hokkaido
LOLwhut (thread) twitter.com/andrewboxford/…
LOLwhut (thread) twitter.com/andrewboxford/…